Es la temporada: Nuestra foto anual de Navidad de la familia de Aaron's Leak Detection

Every December, our family gathers for a tradition we love. It's our annual Christmas picture. It's not about a festive photo. It's a moment to reflect on the year, capture memories, and share a bit of who we are with you.

As a family-run business, this tradition holds a special place in our hearts. We are proud to be a locally owned company. We serve the same community we are rooted in. These pictures are a way to stay connected. They let you see the folks behind Aaron's Leak Detection—our family. Over the years, our customers have watched our kids grow up in these pictures, which means a lot to us. It’s a reminder that we’re not here to provide a service; we’re your neighbors, sharing in this journey together.

One of the best parts of this tradition is seeing how much the kids grow each year. Some things change, but others stay the same. Our family and business still follow the same values as we did on day one.

The process of taking the picture is always an adventure. It’s never dull. You must find a fun, creative idea, coordinate schedules, and keep everyone in a good mood. But that’s part of the charm. These pictures are a fun snapshot of our world. They’re a reflection of what matters most to us: family, connection, and authenticity.

Each year, we share the final photo to thank you, our customers and neighbors. It’s a reminder that we’re more than a business; we’re part of this community. Choosing a service provider is about trust. We want you to see the faces behind the vision.

For us, this tradition also underscores why we do what we do. Running a small family business means building something bigger than ourselves. It’s about creating a legacy, serving others, and showing our kids the value of hard work and community.

As we share this year’s picture, we hope it brings a smile to your face. Whether you needed us 20 years ago or last week, we want you to feel like you’re part of our extended family. After all, it’s families like yours that inspire us to keep doing what we do.

From our family to yours, Merry Christmas and happy holidays! We’re grateful for your support and honored to be a part of your community. Here’s to another year of growth, connection, and making memories that matter.

2006 - A simple start! We were proud of our team, our trailer and our toddler!

2007 - With the new addition of baby Campbell, the family was complete!
2008 - Cooper was wilin' out in his scuba gear - Ready for a chilly December of finding pool leaks!
2009 - One of my favorites - check out the kids faces at dad being crazy!
2010 - Simple, clean, professional!
2011 - Everyone has their role!
2012 - We got crazy with this one
"Don't let your pool leak ruin everything!". Our first picture with an amazingly creative photographer, Rich Johnson at Spectacle Photo.
2013 - Yes it's real! It is a composite photo, but the camera was triggered by the audio of the water ballon popping over our heads!
Photography: Rich Johnson at Spectacle Photo
2014 - Sheli's fishing me the tools, Cooper's got the plan, and Campbell is feeding me the air - we're getting the job done!
Photography: Rich Johnson at Spectacle Photo
2015 - Pure Christmas Mayhem!
Photography: Rich Johnson at Spectacle Photo
2016 - Classic Christmas Portrait - Underwater!
Photography: Rich Johnson at Spectacle Photo
2017 - New van, new wrapped, new year!
2018 - Keeping it classic with the Mall Santa!
2019 - Pooltide Cheer!
Photography by Cassandra Anselmo Photography
2020 - Aaron's Leak Detection - One thing we can all agree on!

2021 - Big 80s!
Photography by Rich Johnson at Spectacle Photo
2022 - Aaron's Leak Detection and The Mysterious Pool Leak of Doom!
Photography and Art by Rich Johnson at Spectacle Photo
2023 - Christmas Vacation!
Art and Photography by Rich Johnson at Spectacle Photo
2024 - Classic, Classy in Aaron's Colors!
Photography by Rich Johnson at Spectacle Photo

Pool leak? Relax! We’ll handle it.

If you’re seeing signs of water loss, don’t stress. Let our friendly, honest pros guide you to the pool leak solution that’s right for you.